Švedska kompanija H&M poznata je po modi i kvalitetu po najboljoj ceni, na održiv način. Sa širokim asortimanom proizvoda za celu porodicu i najnovijim sezonskim trendovima, H&M daje inspiraciju kupcima da kreiraju lični stil. H&M prodavnica u Tuzli ima 2.000 kvadratnih metara i bogatu ponudu odeće za žene, muškarce, tinejdžere, decu i bebe, kao i aksesoara iz poznatih kolekcija.
Swedish company H&M is famously known for its fashion and quality at the best price, in a sustainable way. With a broad product range for a whole family and with the latest seasonal trends, H&M gives inspiration for customers to create a personal style. H&M store in Tuzla has 2,000 square meters and a vast offer of clothing for women, men, teenagers, children, and babies, as well as accessories from the well-known collections.